Apple recently launched the iPad Mini (2024) in India, featuring an 8.3-inch display and advanced AI-powered features. As usual, details regarding the device’s RAM were not officially disclosed, but a leaked benchmark suggests that the new iPad Mini may come with 8GB of RAM. The iPad Mini is powered by the A17 Pro chip, which also powers the iPhone 15 Pro models, but early benchmarks indicate slightly lower performance compared to the iPhone 15 Pro Max.
Early Geekbench Results for iPad Mini (2024)
The iPad Mini (2024) appeared on Geekbench with the model name iPad 16,2, running iOS 18.0. According to the listing, it has 7.73GB of RAM, which can be rounded up to 8GB, marking a substantial upgrade from the previous iPad Mini 6 that had only 4GB of RAM.
In terms of performance, the iPad Mini scored 2,817 points in single-core tests and 6,982 points in multi-core tests. These scores are slightly lower than those of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which scored 2,925 in single-core and 7,299 in multi-core tests, despite using the same A17 Pro chipset. One notable difference is that the iPad Mini’s A17 Pro chip comes with a five-core GPU, whereas the iPhone 15 Pro models feature a more powerful six-core GPU.
Despite the slight performance difference, the iPad Mini (2024) offers a significant boost over the iPad Mini 6, which featured an A15 Bionic chip and achieved around 2,100 points in single-core and 5,400 points in multi-core tests.
Pricing and Availability
The iPad Mini (2024) starts at Rs. 49,900 in India and is available in three storage variants: 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB. It also comes in four color options: Blue, Purple, Space Grey, and Starlight. Sales will begin on October 23.
Key Features
- Display: 8.3-inch Liquid Retina display (1,488×2,266 pixels)
- Cameras: 12MP wide-angle rear camera and 12MP front camera
- Battery: 19.3Wh Li-Po battery
- Apple Pencil Pro support: Enhanced stylus functionality for creative use
With these upgrades, the iPad Mini (2024) is positioned to offer improved performance and versatility, making it a solid option for users seeking a compact yet powerful tablet.